Thursday, February 6, 2020

US takes advanced precautions to protect against coronavirus

China's Wuhan coronavirus has now taken over 300 lives and infected more than 16,000 people across the world, since its discovery in December 2019. With cases now popping up in many countries outside of Asia, officials are beginning to take action to avoid the spreading of this terrible disease. As of Sunday, February 2nd, The United States is denying entry to any foreign national who has visited China in the past 14 days. According to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, these restrictions also apply to any US citizen who has been in China's Hubei province, where the outbreak originated, in the past two weeks. Once these citizens do return to the US, they are subject to quarantine up to 14 days long, as well as a health screening upon reentry. 

These precautions are being taken by the US and other countries in order to contain the virus as much as possible so as to avoid an international crisis. Aside from these steps being taken at borders, the internet has been feverishly discussing ways to keep the coronavirus from spreading. Many news outlets, Twitter/Facebook/Instagram accounts, and YouTube videos are being put out describing ways to minimalize the spread of germs and how to keep a safe distance from those who are experiencing illness symptoms. At the current point in time, according to US national security adviser Robert O'Brien, "right now there is no reason for Americans to panic...this is something that is a low risk, we think, in the US." So, with that being said, this is a great time to be learning and practicing how to stay healthy and stop the spread of airborne pathogens. 

I think it's great that at this time, whether fueled by fear or just to stay proactive, people are truly trying to exercise health precautions. This virus has quickly exceeded many records when it comes to spreading and taking lives, so it's important that we work now to educate and share the word on how to prevent it from reaching the lives of individuals both in and outside the US. This is one situation where joining the communities of the internet to discuss and inform the public on these matters proves to be a very good choice to make.


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