Friday, April 10, 2020

My online presence at age 22

The online presence I have is more extensive than the typical person my age and in my life, but I accredit this to my chosen profession. I opened my YouTube channel back in 2013 in hopes of one day becoming a digital blogger, or today as we know it, an influencer. Since this decision, my work has taken off to a certain degree and I have been able to extend my voice onto multiple platforms.

Today, I have a partnered YouTube channel which brings in monthly revenue, an Instagram account with over 10k followers, allowing me to do sponsored brand deals, and in the past few years I have been able to develop my website. This three accounts are all focused around fashion inspiration, beauty and wellness tips, and fitness advice. Aside from these, I also have an art account on Instagram with which I showcase and sell my digital designs.

I would definitely say I put a lot of myself out there on the internet and that I'm not afraid to share my opinions and my voice, but I always keep my comments positive and try to spread love and happiness with my followers and the people I have relationships with online. I think when people come to look at my content, they see a confident, well-rounded woman with some decent knowledge to share. Or so I hope!

I do not share personal information online such as my phone number, information about my address or my family, and other details that I consider to be private and important to keep to myself, however, I do have my email linked on all my accounts so that brands and other people in my industry can contact me. This has worked very well for me throughout my career and I'm thankful every day for the connections and opportunities I've been given!

Overall, I like to constantly remind myself that social media is only one small part of me and that the people who follow me online don't really know me, just as well as the people I follow. That means that just because I see someone who seems so perfect in every way online, I know that in reality they have their ups and downs just like everyone else. This is so important for me to be mindful of as I work daily in an industry that can easily bring you down. Instead, I choose to focus on all of the beauty that the internet holds and keep close to my heart the values I have always had of instilling positivity, believing in ones self, and being grateful for the blessings in my life.

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